Sunday 17 September 2017

Syllabus of Diploma in Hardware & Networking

Terminal I
1. Basic Electronics:
a) Atomic structure of conductor, Semi-conductor and insulator, Basic Difference between conductor, Semi- conductor & insulator.
b)       General introduction about, current, voltage, power, frequency.
c)        Difference between AC &DC and also in AC power and DC power.
d)       Definition and symbol of Resistance, series & parallel circuit, of Resistance. Voltage & current Division between series and parallel circuit, measurement of Resistance by color-coding & with help of multimeter & practical related to resistance.
e)       Definition with symbols of inductor its series & parallel circuit related practical, Charging and discharging current wave shape, impedance calculation in AC circuit.
f)         Definition with symbols of capacitor its series & parallel circuit related practical, charging and discharging. Voltage wave shape, impedance calculation in AC circuit.
g)       Introduction of transformer, its use, General working principle and equivalent circuit diagram and transformer construction.
h)       Introduction to semi-conductor, intrinsic & extrinsic semi conductor, n- type, p- type semiconductor and p-n junction Diode & related practical with application.
i)         Introduction about Transistor symbol & types of transistor, working principle of transistor, calculation of different current & voltage of transistor, output characteristics of transistor, Different mode  & configuration of transistor and practical related to transistor.
j)         Series and parallel RLC circuit and Resonance frequency.

2. Advance Electronics:
a)       Introduction about integrated circuit, General method of fabrication of IC. i.e. fabrication method. The construction of transistor, FET, Resistor, capacitor etc.
b)       Introduction about FET, Types of FET & its working principle,
c)        Introduction & working principle of power Amplifier.
d)       Introduction & working principle of operational Amplifier; Application of operational Amplifier Design of adder, multiplicator, Differentiator etc by op Amp.
e)       Introduction & Types of oscillators; working principle of different types of oscillator.

Terminal II
1. Digital Electronics:
a)       Introduction to Number system, Binary, hexadecimal, octal & decimal number, conversion of one number to other and vice versa.
b)       Introduction about Gates, its truth table and electrical equivalent circuit of those gates. The exclusive gates, the universal gates and its related practical.
c)        Rules & laws of Boolean algebra, the combination of logic gates, Simplification of Boolean function with the help of k-map and it’s related practical.
d)       Half adder, full adder circuit diagram  & operation of ENCODER, DECODER, MVX, DIMUX and its truth table.
e)       Introduction  & types of flip-flop, principle of j-k, s-r, D&T-type flip-flop, master and slave flip-flop.
f)         Introduction & Types of shift Register, SISO, SIPO, PISO, PIPO, etc. and its detail construction.
g)       Counter & timer circuit and its operation.
h)       Analog to digital conversion and vice versa. Etc.

2. Computer peripherals.

a)       History & introduction about computer peripherals - CPU, Memory, input device, output Device etc,
b)       Data bus; control Bus, Address Bus, and flow of data in ALU & memory chip.
c)        Drive- Introduction to hard disk drive, construction of hard disc drive, its internal construction, calculation about memory, read and write function on H/D drive, cylinder, head, Track, sector of H/d drive partition of hard disk drive & utility software Fdisk operation. Floppy disk drive, CD ROM drive and its internal construction with its necessary practical.
d)       Input Devices: Key Board and its internal construction and ASCII code, mouse and its internal construction.
e)       Monitor: Introduction to monitor, Types of monitor, Classification of monitor according to monitor construction, CRT & its working principle, working principle of electronic circuit of monitor, its fault finding repair and maintenance, construction & working principle of power supply unit of monitor, its fault finding and problem solution and related practical.
f)         Power supply unit: its construction & working principle.
g)       UPS: its construction, working principle & problem finding.
h)       Classification of Printer, working principle of different types of printer, Related Problem & Troubleshooting.

3. Computer Assembly, Repair and Maintenance

XT Assembling:

(1) Mother Board Card and its component, ATX power supply connector, processor, slot- 1 type processor slot, chipset, SIMM &DIMM, Floppy drive, IDE drive connector, PCI slot, lithium ion Battery, CMOS RAM, AGP slot, parallel port, COM ports, USB connector, Dos, Booting files, CDROM Drive installation, Hard disk to Hard disk copy etc.

AT Computer completes Assembling, upgrading, advance troubleshooting and public relation in computer field as well as Business Tricks.

Terminal III (Networking)
a)       Basic concept of networking
b)       Network structure and architectures
c)       Transmission media
d)       Study of Different layers
e)       Protocols
        - Details of TCP/IP
f)        Installation: Windows 2003 Server and LINUX
g)       Working as an administrator Level on Windows 2003 operating system and user Level on LINUX.



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