Wednesday 26 May 2021

Worldwide chip shortages shouldn't stop laptops from thriving

The worldwide chip shortage shouldn’t have a significant effect on the 2021 PC market, which should increase by about 18 percent in 2021, analyst firm IDC said late Tuesday.

IDC reported that shipments of laptops and desktops aren’t as affected by a worldwide shortage of semiconductors, which has provoked concern from top chip executives as well as the Biden administration. PCs were more constrained by the ongoing shortages of PC and laptop CPUs throughout the past two years or so. The current shortages do affect the PC market, but somewhat less so.

Essentially, IDC’s conclusion was that the PC market will still grow at a more than healthy 18 percent, but it could have grown even more. “The PC industry is definitely supply constrained,” IDC analyst Ryan Reith, the author of the report, said in an email. “If it wasn’t, PC growth would be 20%+ this year.”

To read this article in full, please click here

from PCWorld



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