Friday 3 January 2020

The Epic Game Store's giving away three free games to kick off 2020

If you thought Epic’s twelve-games-over-twelve-days giveaway might mark the end of the weekly freebies, think again. Quite the opposite, as Epic’s kicked off 2020 with not one, not two, but three different free games up for grabs. Two are from the same series, but even so it’s pretty damn generous.

The pair in question? The first two Darksiders games. The original is one of my favorite Zelda games ever—a comparison you’ll understand after you’ve played it. Imagine Zelda, but with the grittiness of a mid-‘90s graphic novel. You know, massive shoulder pads, demons and angels, the four horsemen of the apocalypse, a horse that’s on fire, et cetera. It’s a relentlessly dumb series, but earnest about its dumbness, a quality I always appreciate. And the original is a really satisfying adventure, with War fighting against the forces of both Heaven and Hell to control the Apocalypse (with a capital A).

To read this article in full, please click here

from PCWorld



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