Tuesday 28 February 2017

Mobile Ports of Different DVR

      If you have one DVR, if you know the default mobile port, but not know which app can work with your DVR, you could refer to this sheet. For example, the default mobile port is 34599, so you could use Vmeye or Vmeye+, ect.
If you know which app can work with your DVR, but not know what its default mobile port is, you could refer to this sheet as well, if you didn’t change it before.

HBPlayer , DVRPlayer , DVRPlayer+ , Viscoo
TCP Port:8101
Viscoo Remote Pro , DVRseesee , HBDVRClient Pro , HBDVRClient 
kMeye , Kmeye4
Asee , Asee+ , Aseepro+ , SwannView , NightOwl Lite , Lorex mobile ECO
Kweye , Kweye+ , iseeder
vMeye , vMeyeV2 , vMeyePlus , HiViewer , AlmondHOME , iAlive
TCP Port:34567
Meye , MeyePlus , Meye4PB , TEC_BE VIEWER , Streaming
101 or 111
Tmeye , Tmeye+
zMeye  , zMeyePlus
TCP port8000
IMSeye , IMSeye(old) , IMSeyePro


Wednesday 22 February 2017

Product specification & Software for IP Camera

IP Camera manufacturers provide product specification sheets that help you select the right camera for your IP security and surveillance system. But, which specifications are important?  They include such things as resolution, minimum light sensitivity, lens, WDR, signal to noise, etc.  This article reviews the important camera specs, and how to avoid being fooled by specsmanship (from the marketing department).

The importance of each of the camera specifications depends on your objective and application for your IP camera system.  For example, if you want to use the camera outdoors where it can get dark, then the low light specification is important. If you are only using the IP camera indoors, you may be more interested in the how wide a viewing angle you can achieve.  Here is a review of the important specifications.This is an important specification.  In the old days it was measured in TV lines, and they used a TV test pattern to analyze the resolution.  Today resolution is usually defined by the total number of pixels in the sensor or the horizontal and vertical pixels.  Marketing people also use the term “HD” and “720p” or “1080p”, and most recently “4K”.  It can be very confusing.  Here’s what each of the terms mean:

Megapixel Camera:  This is a general term used for any camera that has over 1 million pixels in the sensor. There are many cameras that have over 1 megapixel resolution.  For example, there are 2.0, 3.0, 5, 8, 10 and higher megapixel cameras. The pixels are organized in a matrix of horizontal and vertical pixels.  The relationship between the horizontal and vertical pixels is called the aspect ratio.   The aspect ratio (vertical to horizontal ratio) is usually 4:3 or 9:16 (wide).  For example a 1.2 Megapixel sensor on the Sony SNC-EM600 camera has 1280 horizontal pixels and 1024 vertical pixels.  The aspect ratio is 1280/1024 which is 1.24 or close to the 4/3 ratio (1.3).  The 2 megapixel Samsung SND-6084
 dome camera has 1920 x 1080 pixels, and the aspect ratio is closer to 16:9.  The latest sensors (especially the ones that claim 4K resolution) have different aspect ratios that are similar to the very wide formats used in the cinema market.
HD Camera:  This is more of a marketing term and is defined as either a 720p or 1080p type HD camera.  This specification comes from the video broadcast market rather than the security market and can be totally confusing.  Back in the old days, TV had only 525 horizontal scan lines per frame.  This is not the actual resolution, but rather physical scans of an electron beam on a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube). The total number of horizontal lines in a frame was made up of two fields (262.5 lines per field). The fields were interlaced, so we wouldn’t see the flicker.
Today 720p refers to 720 horizontal lines. The “p” indicates that the lines are progressive rather than interlaced.  There is only one scan per frame that includes 720 lines rather than 525 lines. The 1080p HD camera has at least 1080 horizontal lines.
720p cameras usually have a sensor with at least 1.0 megapixels. Pixel resolution is 1280 x 1024 (like the Sony SNC-EM600 1.3 megapixel camera), or it can be 1280 x 800 (like the Axis M3004 1.0 megapixel camera).
1080p cameras have at least a 2 megapixel sensor, and it is considered to be the higher resolution “HD camera”.  To confuse us, some manufacturers call their 3 megapixel or 5 megapixel camera “1080P” as well.
4K Camera:  This usually refers to a camera with over 8 Megapixels of resolution.  It has approximately 4,000 horizontal pixels. There is some difference between the definitions from the television industry and the security market.  The number of vertical and horizontal pixels and the aspect ratio are defined differently. For example Sony announced that their new (coming soon) camera has a chip with 4096 H × 2160 V pixels which runs at up to 60 fps and conforms to the Digital Cinema Initiative. Axis announced a camera with 3840 x 2160 which runs at up to 30 fps (which is called Ultra HD).  The marketing people call all these cameras “4K”.

Other Things that Affect Resolution:
The resolution of a camera is defined not only by the sensor, but also the lens and the electronic circuits. We sometimes see megapixel IP cameras selling for under $200.  Be careful.  You do get what you pay for.  The sensor may have the megapixels, but the lens may be plastic, and the result is a very low quality image. For more about IP Camera Resolution take a look at our blog article.

Minimum Illumination (or Low Light Sensitivity)

The minimum illumination is the lowest light level that provides a reasonable image from the IP camera. It is measured in lux.  This can be very subjective.  It depends on what you think is an acceptable image.  The low light level image you see is not only dark, but can also be very noisy.
At the low light level the amplifiers are working very hard and there can be circuit noise that affects the video image.  This is called the signal to noise (S/N) ratio.  The better manufacturers also include the relative level of the signal (IRE), which is a measure of how hard the amplifier has to work.  For example a camera that is operating at 30 IRE is receiving 30 percent of the signal from the sensor circuits, while one operating at 50 IRE is receiving 50 % of the signal.  The lower the number, the harder the amplifier has to work to boost the signal so it can be seen.  The noise level can be as high as 20% of the signal so the resulting video can look very noisy when the signal level is very low.
The minimum light level is also affected by the shutter speed, which relates to the frame rate.  The longer the shutter is opened the more light can reach the sensor. The longer the shutter stays open, the lower the frame rate. There are some camera specs that indicate very low minimum illumination (0.0001 lux), but this is measured at a shutter speed of 0.5 sec.  This translates to a maximum frame rate of 2 fps.
The minimum illumination level is also determined by the lens.  The lower the f-number of the lens the more light it will let through.  For more details about this take a look at IP Camera Low Light Sensitivity blog article.
For a more practical guide to how IP cameras perform at low light, take a look at our “IP Camera Low Light Test” which compared a number of IP cameras at low light levels.

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Wednesday 8 February 2017

Download Zk Software

click me to Download

Create bootable USB drives the easy way

Click me to Download Rufus 


Friday 3 February 2017


Illustration:- Create the following account heads under tally.erp9 in the books of M/s XYZ Limited:-
Account Heads
To create the account heads in tally, you have to follow the following procedure:-

First of all, open tally.erp9 program.
Now, select the company in which you want to work. We shall select M/s XYZ Limited.
Type the password if any.
Now, you are on ‘gateway of tally’
Select – Accounts Info under Master.
The screen will be seen as under:-
Select ledger. Now screen shall appear as under:-
After you select the ledgers, there are two options for creating the ledgers as shown in following image:-
Now, have the screen before giving to options (1) Single Ledger (2) Multiple Ledgers. You can create accounts heads as you wish. Both methods are simple. But it depends how many account heads you have to create. If the number of account heads is very small then Single Ledger can be selected and if there are so many ledger accounts heads then you can select ‘Multiple Ledgers’. For me it does not make any difference. I would definitely suggest creating account heads under select ‘Single Ledger’ because it is very easy and data are saved very quickly.
Single Ledger option
 Suppose, you want to create account heads by using single ledger option then select single ledger. Again it has three options:-
  • Create
  • Display
  • Alter
Under Create option, you can create new account heads.
Under Display option you can see the account heads which are created by you or already exist.
Under Alter option, you can make any alteration in the account heads.
Here, we shall select create option. When we select the create then a screen appear. We have to fill up the information according to the format available for creation of account heads.
Now, we take the above example. We have to create the account head “Morning Place” under “Sundry Creditor Group”.
Name: Write Morning Place.
Note: While giving the name, you must avoid Mr./Mrs./Miss/Ms./M/s etc. because at the time of entries, the account heads will appear with first alphabet ‘M’. So, it shall be very difficult to trace out the account head very easily.
Alias: means any other name of same account head. For example, you are creating the account head of State Bank of India. Under ‘Name’ you can write State Bank of India and under ‘Alias’ you can write ‘SBI’. You can see any detail relating to State Bank of India by using SBI also.
Note: Alias should be avoided as far as possible.
Under: You have to give the name of group. here we shall write ‘Sundry Creditors’. When you select under, the list of groups appears on the screen and you have to select the required group by using arrow keys or you just write first alphabet of group, all the groups relating to that alphabet shall appear on the screen. You can select the required group easily.
Fill up all other details that is self explanatory. Even if you do not fill the remaining details just press ‘Enter’ key. After you fill up all the details, it will look like as under:
After you fill up complete details, tally asks you ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If you find that all information is correct then select ‘Yes’ or Press ‘Enter’ and if you find any mistake in details given in the form then select ‘No’ or type “N”. If you type ‘N’, you will reach in starting of form and again you can fill up the correct information.
Note: The data will be saved only after you select ‘Y’.
Same way other account heads can be created using single ledger option.
Multiple Ledgers Option
When you want to create so many account heads under one group or different groups altogether then you can use this option. According to above example, you can create the account heads as under:-
Select ‘Create’ under multiple ledger. Following screen will appear:-
How to Fill up the details under “Multiple Ledger”:-
Under Group: Select any group under whose the account heads are to be created. For example you want to create so many account heads under ‘Sundry Creditor’ Group then select ‘Sundry Creditor’. Remember that if you select a particular group then the ledger accounts shall be created under that particular group only. If you select “All Items: then you can create account heads under any group in single form.
According to above example, we shall select “All Items” and fill up the details that is self explanatory. You just write the name of account and select the required group. After you fill up the details given in above example, you will find your screen as under:-
After all the information is filled up, tally will ask you ‘Yes’ or ‘No’. If all information is correct then type ‘Y’ or press “Enter” otherwise type ‘N’.  If type “N” then correct the information given by you then at last type ‘Y’ other wise your data will not be saved.


DELETION OF COMPANY IN TALLY.ERP 9:- It is very dangerous to use this command because at on shot whole date can be deleted under the company which you want to delete. So, be very careful while deletion of a company.
Suppose, you have created a company in tally ERP 9 and you want to delete the same that can be done according to the following example.

An accountant of a company created a company as XYZ Limited as shown in following picture. After creation the company, he wanted to delete that company. What is the procedure to delete a company in tally?
To delete a company in tally the accountant has to follow the following procedures:-
  1. Open the tally program.
  2. Select  ‘Select Company’
  3. Select ‘XYZ LIMITED’
  4. Now, you have reached to ‘Gateway of Tally’
  5. Now Select ‘F3 Cmp Info’
  6. Select ‘Alter’
  7. Select ‘XYZ Limited’
  8. Now Screen of Company Alteration shall appear.
  9. Press ‘Alt key + D’
  10. Tally will ask  “Delete” ‘Yes or No’
  11. If you select ‘Yes’ it will again ask “Are you Sure” ‘Yes or No’
  12. If you select ‘yes’ then the company shall be deleted from tally.
  13. If you select ‘No’ then you will find your company as it is.

Introduction of Tally

The security of data, financial or otherwise, has always been a matter of concern most business depend on the confidentiality of information. Tally vault is an enhanced security system which allows for encryption of the company data with the most secure method of encryption being use. Tally vault ensures that under no circumstances, the original information is available in any form. The techniques could be liked to "encryption - decryption on the fly" and decrypted form of the data is never stored in the system. Apart from this, it user the "Non-stored Password" mechanism. by using highly advanced mechanism to validate a new user without any prior knowledge of the original password. The combination of these facilities means, that Tally Vault becomes one of the most secure means of information storage. 
Accounting package Tally is a wonderful boon to all accounts personnel and the business firms. It is very user friendly package. It is available in 7.2 version, 9.0 version and ERP.9 version. Tally ERP.9 version is the latest version and is used maximum.


Windows 7 tricks: 10 top tips and tweaks

Just got your hands on Windows 7 and want to bend it to your will? No problem. We've got plenty of tips, hacks and secrets to keep you busy for a long time, including automatically opening Windows Explorer to a folder of your choice, speeding up taskbar thumbnails, finding hidden desktop themes, forcing User Account Control to act the way you'd like, keeping your Explorer searches secret from others, and more.

So check out these tips. If you like them, we'll keep more coming.

General tips

We'll start with a few nifty tips that can make your desktop more interesting, make it easier to get around and increase your computer's power efficiency.

Use hidden international wallpapers and themes

When you first install Windows 7, it asks for your language, time and currency. Based on your responses, it installs a set of wallpapers and themes. If you choose English (United States) for your time and currency format, for example, the available desktop backgrounds and themes will include a United States section with scenery from locations such as Maine, the Southwest and so on.
Hidden, though, are background scenery and themes from other English-speaking countries -- Australia, Canada, Great Britain and South Africa. Normally, you can't access those backgrounds or themes, but there is a simple way you can install and use them:
1. In the search box in the Start menu, type C:\Windows\Globalization\MCTand press Enter. (Note: If Windows 7 is installed in a drive other than C:, use that letter instead.)

2. Windows Explorer will launch and show you a list of subfolders under C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT: MCT-AU, MCT-CA, MCT-GB, MCT-US, and MCT-ZA. Each subfolder has wallpapers for a specific country: AU for Australia, CA for Canada, GB for Great Britain, US for the United States, and ZA for South Africa.

For any of the countries whose wallpaper and themes you want to use, go into its Theme folder, for example, C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT\MCT-ZA\Theme. Double-click the theme you see there (for example ZA).
3. That will install a shortcut to the theme and wallpapers in the Personalization section of Control Panel.
You can now use them as you would any other theme or background, by right-clicking the desktop, choosing Personalize, and choosing a background or theme. They will be listed in their own section.

Shake your desktop free of clutter

If you frequently run multiple programs simultaneously, your desktop can get extremely cluttered. This can get annoying if you're working on one program and want to minimize all the other windows -- in previous versions of Windows you had to minimize them individually.
With Windows 7's "shake" feature, though, you can minimize every window except the one in which you're currently working -- in a single step. Click and hold the title bar of the window you want to keep on the desktop; while still holding the title bar, shake it quickly back and forth until all of the other windows minimize to the taskbar. Then let go. To make them return, shake the title bar again.
You can accomplish the same thing by pressing the Window key-Home key combination -- although doing that is not nearly as much fun.

Get a power efficiency report

Have a laptop and want to get more battery life out of it? Windows 7 includes a hidden built-in tool that will examine your laptop's energy use and make recommendations on how to improve it. To use it:
1. Run a command prompt as an administrator. To do this, type cmd in the search box, and when the cmd icon appears, right-click it and choose "Run as administrator."
2. At the command line, type in the following:
powercfg -energy -output \<i>Folder</i>\Energy_Report.html
where \Folder represents the folder where you want the report to be placed.

3. For about a minute, Windows 7 will examine the behavior of your laptop. It will then analyze it and create a report in HTML format in the folder you specified. Double-click the file, and you'll get a report -- follow its recommendations for ways to improve power performance.

Modify UAC

The User Account Control security feature was one of the most reviled additions to Windows Vista, with good reason -- its constant warning messages asking for permission to continue many operations drove users around the bend.
UAC has been significantly improved in Windows 7 so that it's not as intrusive as in Vista, but you can still tweak it if you like.
Here's how to turn UAC on or off, and make it less or more intrusive than the default:
1. Go to the Control Panel --> User Accounts and Family Safety.
2. Click User Accounts, then click Change User Account Control settings.
3. From the screen that appears, use the slider to select the level of protection you want. Here are the four levels and what they mean:

Always notify me. Think of this as UAC Classic. It works like Vista's UAC: When you make changes to your system, when software is installed or when a program tries to make a change to your system, an annoying prompt appears.
Default -- Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer. This is, obviously, the default; make a change yourself and UAC leaves you alone. When a program makes a change, a prompt appears and your desktop goes dark, just like it does in Vista. Otherwise, UAC sits there silently.
Notify me only when programs try to make changes to my computer (do not dim my desktop). This setting is identical to the default setting, with one difference: It won't dim your desktop so that you only see the UAC prompt asking you to take action. This presents a slightly elevated security risk over the default setting, because theoretically a program could allow a malicious program to interfere with the UAC prompt.
Never notify me when: In this one, UAC is completely turned off. This is, of course, an insecure option and not recommended for most users.
After you make the selection, click OK. Depending on the selection you made, you may need to restart your system for it to take effect.

Start Menu tips

Many people overlook the Start Menu, rarely using it except as a jumping off point to run an application or get to the Control Panel. But there's actually plenty you can do with it.

Search the Internet from the Start Menu

Note: This tip relies on the Group Policy Editor, which isn't available in some versions of Windows 7. Thus, this tip will not work if you have the Home Premium, Starter, or Home Basic editions of Windows 7.
The Start Menu's search box is a convenient way to search through your PC -- but you can also have it do double-duty and perform Internet searches as well. To enable this feature:
1. In the Start Menu search box, type GPEDIT.MSC and press Enter to run the Group Policy Editor.
2. Go to User Configuration --> Administrative Templates --> Start Menu and Taskbar.

3. Double-click "Add Search Internet link to Start Menu," and from the screen that appears, select Enabled. Then click OK and close the Group Policy Editor.
4. From now on, when you type a search term in the Search box on the Start Menu, a "Search the Internet" link will appear. Click the link to launch the search in your default browser with your default search engine.

Customize the Shut down button

The default action of the Start Menu's Shut down button is to turn off your PC. If you want to use the button for another action, such as restarting your PC, you click the arrow to the right of the Shut down button and select an action from the drop-down menu.
What if you rarely shut your PC down completely but frequently restart it? You can change the Shut down button's default action to be Restart -- or Switch user, Log off, Lock, Sleep or Hibernate.
To change your default, right-click the Start button and select Properties. On the Start Menu tab, click the "Power button action" drop-down menu and select which action you want to be the default. Then click OK, and OK again.

Add a Videos link to the Start Menu

The Windows 7 Start Menu includes links to your Pictures and Music folders, but not to your Videos folder. If you watch a lot of videos and want a link to them on your Start Menu, here's what you can do:

1. Right-click the Start button and select Properties.
2. On the screen that appears, go to the Start Menu tab and click Customize.
3. In the dialog box that appears, scroll to the bottom, look for the Videos section, select "Display as a link," and click OK and then OK again.
If you'd prefer that Videos display as a menu, with links to files and submenus, instead select "Display as a menu."

Windows Explorer tips

Windows Explorer is the heart and soul of the Windows interface, and overall it works quite well. But you can make it better.

Use check boxes to select multiple files

In order to select multiple files for an operation such as copying, moving or deleting in Windows Explorer, you generally use the keyboard and the mouse, Ctrl-clicking every file you want to select.
But if you're mouse-centric, there's a way to select multiple files in Windows 7 using only your mouse, via check boxes. To do it:

Thursday 2 February 2017

Yahoo password chang

    • If you don't remember your password, see the next section.
  1. Image titled Change A Password in Yahoo! Mail Step 6
    Click the "Change password" link. You'll find this at the top of the "Account security" page.
  2. Image titled Change A Password in Yahoo! Mail Step 7
    Create a new password. You'll need to enter the password twice to confirm it. Your password change will take effect immediately, and you'll be signed out of all of your connected devices.
    • Make sure you create a unique password for your email account that you don't use anywhere else.
  3. Image titled Change A Password in Yahoo! Mail Step 8
    Sign in with your new password. You'll need to sign back into Yahoo! Mail on any of the devices or programs you were signed in on. For example, if you have your Yahoo! account added to your iPhone, you'll need to enter your new password in the Mail, Contacts, Calendars section of the iPhone's Settings app. The process for logging back in will vary depending on the device or program.