Flipkart Big Shopping Days: पॉपुलर फोन पर मिल रहा है 5 हज़ार तक का डिस्काउंट
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जानें Vivo के नए स्मार्टफोन Vivo V17 में क्या होगा खास. फोन को भारत में अगले हफ्ते लॉन्च किया जाएगा, जिसके लिए वीवो ने इन्वाइट भेजना शुरू कर दिया है.
जानें क्या है आने वाली स्मार्टवॉच की खासियत, वीडियो मेंं देखें इसका लुक...
लोगों में नो मोबाइल फोबिया (no moile phobia) बढ़ता जा रहा है. अगर आपसे सवाल पूछा जाए कि टूटा फोन या टूटी हड्डी- तो आप अपने लिए इसमें से किस ऑप्शन का चुनाव करना ज्यादा बेहतर समझेंगे?
आप दिन में कई घंटे मोबाइल पर उंगलियां घूमाते हुए बिता देते होंगे लेकिन क्या जानते हैं कि मोबाइल पर टॉयलेट हैंडल से 18 गुना ज्यादा बैक्टीरिया मौजूद होते हैं. आइए जानिए ऐसे ही चौंकाने वाले फैक्ट्स के बारे में.
जानें वॉट्सऐप की ग्रुप ऑडियो कॉल और ग्रुप वीडियो कॉल कैसे किया जाता है, और इसमें कितने लोगों को ऐड किया जा सकते हैं. यहां जानें सबकुछ...
नेटफ्लिक्स (Netflix) 1 दिसंबर यानी कि आज से कुछ डिवाइस पर इस्तेमाल नहीं किया जा सकेगा...
अगर आपके कंप्युटर पर बार बार ये लिखा आता हो कि किसी वायरस ने आपके डिवाइस पर हमला कर दिया है तो ये एक फ्राड हो सकता है. ये किसी भी पॉपअप क्यों ना करें कभी क्लिक और क्यों इसके दिए नंबर पर नहीं करें कॉल
करोड़ो फोन यूज़र्स को ऐसी सर्विस मिलने वाली है, जिससे यूज़र्स बिना नेटवर्क के भी कॉल कर सकेंगे. जानें कैसे काम करेगी नई सर्विस...
रिलायंस के JioPhone 2 में कई खास फीचर्स दिए गए हैं. इस फोन को सस्ते में खरीदने का मौका मिल रहा है...
फ़ोन की सेफ्टी इस समय सबसे जरूरी चीज हो गई है. अपने फ़ोन को सिक्योर करने के लिए लोग तरह-तरह के ऐप डाउनलोड करते हैं. आज हम आपको बता रहे हैं फोन की सेफ्टी से जुड़ा एक ऐप ऐसा भी है जिसमें हर बार नया पासवर्ड डालना होता है.
The Akaso Trace 1 Pro is the premium version of Akaso's affordable Trace 1, which I already liked for its great front/interior day/night video, even though it lacked GPS. The Pro version of the Trace 1 reviewed here adds the missing GPS and doubles down with Wi-Fi phone connectivity.
The kicker is, that at $130, the Trace 1 Pro is still in the financial ballpark for most users. For ride-givers that don't want to fork over for Nextbase's mighty modular 422GW (or 322GW), this is likely the best thing going.
This review is part of our ongoing roundup of the best dash cams. Go there for information on competing products and how we tested them.
Labels: PCWorld
Creative’s T100 is the latest in the companies much-loved T-series of PC speakers. From design to sound quality, it's the best offering in that line. Not that I'm surprised. The company's speakers are consistently among the best I’ve reviewed, and its Pebble system is currently our pick for Best Overall Budget Speakers.
This review is part of our ongoing roundup of the best budget computer speakers. Go there for information on competing products and how we tested them.
Each of the T100’s satellites is 8.5 x 3.5 x 4.8 inches (HWD) with a matte-black grille and gloss-black finish on the sides. The tops of the satellites are matte-black, and the right one features input source, volume, and power buttons.
Labels: PCWorld
The PocketGo is the latest portable gaming emulator from BittBoy, and it refines handheld retro gaming and hits the sweet spot between size, capabilities, and price. Similar in many ways to the New BittBoy V3 that I reviewed earlier this year, it plays all the same retro games from the NES, GameBoy, Genesis, and many more through software emulation. It’s listed for $50 (including an 8GB MicroSD card), but has been selling for $40 for most of the time since its launch. If you’re looking for pixel-perfect emulation then you should look elsewhere. But if you just want the best way to play all your retro gaming favorites on the go, then this is your best bet.
Labels: PCWorld
We like the design and the signal amplifier at the antenna end of the cable, but this is not a top performer.
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Ready to cut the cord? You’ll need a quality antenna to pick up digital broadcasts. Here are our recommendations for best indoor and outdoor TV antennas.
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Walmart might not be as strongly associated with tech as Best Buy, but its deals on gadgets and gear are fiercely competitive. Be it a new pre-built PC, smart home devices, or Apple's latest, you'll find standouts in the entries below.
Among them is a $99 Chromebook, a $580 gaming PC, and iPhones. In fact, Walmart is certainly one of best places to pick up an iPhone this weekend because of the generous gift cards it’s offering. For more information on that, check out our roundup of the best Apple-related Black Friday deals.
If you find this list isn't enough to quench your thirst for tech bargains, we highly suggest checking out our full round-up of the best tech-related Black Friday deals from major stores.
Labels: PCWorld
Xiaomi ने अपने ब्लैक फ्राइडे सेल की घोषणा कर दी है. इस सेल की शुरुआत आज 29 नवंबर से हो रही है. ये सेल चार दिन चलेगी और 2 दिसंबर तक जारी रहेगी. इस सेल का फायदा कस्टमर्स अमेजन, फ्लिपकार्ट और शाओमी की वेबसाइट से उठा पाएंगे.
भारत संचार निगम लिमिटेड (BSNL) ने एक बार फिर अपना पुराना प्लान (Reintroduce Plan) दोबारा शुरू किया है. कंपनी ने अपने ग्राहकों के लिए इस बार 1,999 रुपये वाले प्लान (BSNL 1999 Plan) को फिर से पेश किया है.
If you’re in the market for phones, smart home accessories, gaming devices, TVs, or fitness trackers, Target’s deals are, well, right on target. The retailer is even selling some phones for “free”—with a qualifying activation from Verizon, AT&T, or Sprint, that is.
Target is a good source of Apple-related deals, too, and for those we recommend checking out our list of the best Apple-related Black Friday deals. Standouts there include $200 gift cards with some iPhone purchases and a record low price for the new 10.2-inch iPad (which a few other retailers are matching).
Labels: PCWorld
सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म फेसबुक (Facebook) और इंस्टाग्राम (Instagram) की सर्विस गुरुवार दोपहर से डाउन हो गई थी. जिस वजह से यूजर्स (Users) को काफी परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ा. लेकिन अब ये प्रॉब्लम खत्म हो गई है.
ओरी लिबरटी (Ory Laboratory) द्वारा विकसित इस रोबोट का नाम 'ओरी हैम' (Ori Hime) रखा गया है. ओरी हैम एक छोटे बस्ट-आकार का रोबोट है, जिसे काउंटर टॉप या डेस्क पर रखा जा सकता है.
1 दिसंबर से मोबाइल फोन उपभोक्ताओं के लिए कॉलिंग के साथ-साथ इंटरनेट का इस्तेमाल करना भी महंगा हो जाएगा. मतलब साफ है कि टेलीकॉम कंपनियां टैरिफ प्लान के दाम बढ़ाने की तैयारी में है. टेलीकॉम कंपनियां (Idea, Vodafone, Airtel) इसको लेकर पहले ही ऐलान कर चुकी है.
सैमसंग, नोकिया, श्योमी और मोटोरोला ला रहे हैं नए शानदार फीचर्स वाले स्मार्टफोन्स, आइए डालते हैं एक नजर इनके लॉन्च और फीचर्स पर...
दुनिया के सबसे पॉपुलर सोशल मीडिया (Most Popular Social Media) फेसबुक (Facebook) और इंस्टाग्राम (Instagram) गुरुवार शाम डाउन हो गए. भारत के अलावा ब्रिटेन से भी यूजर्स ने इस दौरान परेशानी की शिकायतें की हैं.
Black Friday deals abound on Roku players, Fire TV Sticks, and other cord-cutting gear
Labels: PCWorld
What makes your house your home? Is it the furniture? The art? A few favorite collectibles arranged on the shelves? The same goes for your Windows PC. If you’re new to Windows 10, we’ll show you how to personalize your PC to make it feel, well, yours.
From the moment you first power on your new computer, you’ll be asked to choose how to manage your privacy and security. But once you complete that short process, the fun begins: You can select backgrounds, configure your Start menu, and choose apps and shortcuts. Think of this story as a complement to our tutorial on how to set up your new PC efficiently and effectively. This is the fun stuff.
Labels: PCWorld
अगर किसी ने अपना ट्विटर अकाउंट छह महीने से ज्यादा समय से नहीं लॉगइन किया है, तो ट्विटर ये कदम उठाने से पहले उन्हें एक अलर्ट भी भेजेगा
गूगल (google photo app) ने अपने यूज़र्स के एक्सपीरिएंस को बेहतर बनाने के लिए नए-नए फीचर पेश करता है. लेकिन अब सामने आया है कि गूगल ने अपनी फोटो ऐप से एक ज़रूरी फीचर हटा दिया है.
Which Roku, Fire TV, or other streaming device should you buy on Black Friday? This guide will help you decide.
Labels: PCWorld
TikTok ने अकाउंट बैन करने को लेकर कहा कि हमारे तरफ से हुई गड़बड़ी को लेकर हम यूज़र से माफी मांगते हैं. हम सीधे यूज़र से कॉन्टैक्ट करने की कोशिश कर रहे हैं ताकि उसे डिवाइस बैन हटाने की सूचना दे सकें.
शियोमी ने अपने दमदार स्मार्टफोन Redmi Note 8 Pro का नया अवतार लॉन्च कर दिया है. वीडियो में देखें इसका लुक...
जानें कौन सा है WhatsApp में आने वाला नया फीचर. इस नए फीचर से आपकी एक मुश्किल भी दूर हो जाएगी...
सस्ते फोन में डुअल कैमरा, 5,000 mAh की पावरफुल बैटरी जैसे फीचर्स मिल रहे हैं..इसकी खरीद पर शानदार ऑफर दिया जा रहा है...जानें पूरी डिटेल.
चीन के एक शख्स ने गेम कैरेक्टर को बनाने और कस्टमाइज़ करने में करीब 10 करोड़ (10 million yuan) रुपये खर्च किए थे, जिसे उसके दोस्त ने गलती से 40 हज़ार में बेच दिया..
“What graphics card within my budget gives me the best bang for my buck?”
That simple question cuts to the core of what people hunting for a new graphics card look for: the most oomph they can afford. Sure, the technological leaps behind each new GPU can be interesting on their own, but most everyone just wants to crank up the detail settings on Battlefield and get right to playing.
Updated November 27, 2019 to crown the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Super as the new budget gaming champion, and tweak other sections throughout.
Labels: PCWorld
We all want to know more about who we are. Who were the people who came before us? Where did they come from? Are there relatives out there we don’t know about?
DNA testing services promise to help answer these questions. Today, multiple at-home ancestry DNA kits can find long-lost relatives, estimate your ethnic ancestry, or show where your ancestors came from tens of thousands of years ago.
These tests are popular—according to the International Society of Genetic Genealogy (ISOGG), the number of people who bought at-home DNA kits now exceeds 18 million—and it’s easy to see why. All you have to do is swab your cheek or spit in a vial, seal your sample in a bag, and send it off to the lab. In a matter of weeks, you’ll be given a percentage breakdown of the regions your genes hail from.
Labels: PCWorld
The base 23andMe Ancestry kit ($99) stands above the competition as our pick for the best DNA testing kits for ancestry, delivering a large array of detailed ancestry results presented within a clean and compelling interface. However, 23andMe’s DNA testing service can provide more than just insights into your lineage.
For $100 more, the 23andMe Health + Ancestry kit ($199) bundles in a wide array of health information pulled from the very same DNA sample, providing details about your genetic predisposition to certain ailments, how your DNA might shape your lifestyle and your body’s reactions, and even genetics-based guesses at some seriously out-there traits—such as your ability to match a musical pitch.
Labels: PCWorld
Should I buy a Chromebook or a Windows laptop? Whether you’re seeking out the best computer for your child or just weighing which inexpensive computer would make a great Black Friday gift, weighing a Chrome OS-powered Chromebook versus a PC can be a tough choice—and we can help you choose the right one.
A notebook PC powered by Microsoft Windows offers several advantages: Windows offers the most flexibility to run just about any app, as well as the choice of any browser you choose. You can tweak and configure your PC as you choose.
That convenience demands more computing horsepower, and often a higher price compared to most Chromebooks. Prices can soar into the thousands of dollars, and if you need a powerful PC for gaming or video editing, Chromebooks really don’t offer that much competition. But you’ll find some great deals among our more affordably priced, top Windows picks.
Labels: PCWorld
Getting a new phone is awesome, but transferring all of your data over from your old one isn’t. Luckily, it’s gotten a lot better than it used to be, and it doesn’t take too much work anymore. With a Google account and a little patience, you don’t need to be an Android whiz to ensure your stuff can easily transfer to a new phone.
Before you can do anything, you’ll need to make sure your old phone is signed in to your Google account. It almost certainly is, but head over to the Google tab in Settings to make sure. Then, you’ll need to find your phone’s backup settings. On Pixel phones running Android 10, there’s a Backup option inside the System tab in Settings, but the location varies on other phones. The easiest way to find it is to type “backup” into the settings search bar.
Labels: PCWorld
Seagate’s FireCuda 520 is fast, though only on a par with other premium M.2 NVMe SSDs we’ve tested using commonplace third-generation PCIe. However, if you’re running a late-model AMD system, the 520’s PCIe 4 support will garner you a cool 20-percent jump in sustained transfer rates. We like that.
This review is part of our ongoing roundup of the best SSDs. Go there for information on competing products and how we tested them.
The FireCuda 520 is a 2280 (22mm wide, 80mm long), M.2 NVMe, x4 (four lane) PCIe 4 SSD. It feels a little weird saying that last, as we’ve been on PCIe 3 for quite a long time.
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Whether they were so bad they're good, or just misunderstood box-office flops, these so-called movie "turkeys" provide great post-pig-out fun.
Labels: PCWorld
Depending on what you watch, Vizio's P-Series Quantum X TV can be either astonishingly vivid, or mildly annoying. A ton of peak brightness, quantum dot color, and poor anti-aliasing will do that.
Labels: PCWorld
While reviewing the LG Gram 17, one thought persisted: Why aren’t people freaking out over this laptop?
Here we have a notebook with a gorgeous 17-inch display and monster battery life, yet at 2.95 pounds, it’s almost as light as a 13-inch MacBook Air. Factor in a cool and quiet chassis, a silky-smooth trackpad, ample storage, and plenty of ports, and you have a big-screen laptop with none of the usual big-screen trade-offs—well, aside from its steep $1,699 list price (though we've noticed a lower price on Amazon).
To be sure, the LG Gram 17 isn’t perfect, because no laptop is. It doesn’t have the best keyboard, its design feels a bit bland, and speaker quality is downright terrible. But when you’re working in luxurious comfort on an almost desktop-sized display and getting well over a full day’s battery life to boot, the LG Gram 17’s handful of issues have a way of receding into the background.
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फिरोजा अज़ीज़ (Feroza Aziz) ने बताया कि मंगलवार तक वह अपना टिकटॉक (TikTok) अकाउंट को एक्सेस नहीं कर पा रही थी. अजीज की प्रोफाइल सस्पेंड किए जाने के बाद ऐप पर अभिव्यक्ति की आजादी को लेकर सवाल उठ रहे हैं.
वॉट्सऐप ने कॉल से जुड़ा एक नया फीचर ऐड किया है, जिसकी जानकारी WABetaInfo ने दी है. दी गई जानकारी के मुताबिक नया फीचर ऐप में कॉल वेटिंग (call waiting) का है. आसान शब्दों में कहें तो अब वॉट्सऐप कॉल (whatsapp call) के दौरान कॉल वेटिंग आती दिखाई देगी.
दुनियाभर में 5G तकनीक के लिए जोरों से रिसर्च और टेस्टिंग (5G Testing) चल रही है. इस तकनीक की मदद से इटरनेट स्पीड पहले के मुकाबले काफी तेजी हो जाएगी.
WABetaInfo ने यह भी बताया है कि iOS के इस वर्जन में नई प्राइवेसी सेटिंग भी ऐड किया गया है.
The best cheap laptops right now are the Black Friday specials! Click over to our special story on the best deals you'll find this week.
When you’re looking for a good, cheap laptop, knowledge is power. Every budget machine (which we’re defining as Windows laptops costing $500 or less) is the product of compromise—corners carefully cut here and there to hit a price point.
Your job is to find the one that checks off the most boxes for your needs—and doesn't saddle you with features (or lack thereof) that you'll regret in a year. We’ll show you what to look for by highlighting which budget laptops among the best-sellers currently listed at Amazon and Best Buy are worth buying. We haven’t necessarily tested these specific machines (we’ll let you know if we have), but we’ve seen enough similar ones to have a good idea of the pros and cons. We’re also focusing on 14-inch and larger laptops, because part of the great deal should be getting a decent-sized display.
Labels: PCWorld
In this episode of The Full Nerd, Gordon Mah Ung, Brad Chacos, Alaina Yee, and Adam Patrick Murray tackle the battle of AMD and Intel’s biggest behemoths: 32-core Threadripper 3970X versus the 18-core Core i9-10980XE. Spoiler alert: It’s a bloodbath. The gang also spends time talking about AMD’s newfound desktop dominance.
Labels: PCWorld
Turkey and stuffing? Check. Mashed potatoes? Check. Cranberry sauce? Check. Steam Sale? Check. Looks like all the ingredients are here for a proper Thanksgiving.
The Steam Autumn Sale kicked off this morning, and damn there are some pretty good deals right there on the front page. Gears 5, released in September, is already 50 percent off—and to think, it was amazing to see a Gears game on Steam in the first place. Now it’s one of the leading sale items.
Other great deals: Cities: Skylines is less than $10, with all the DLC discounted by 50 percent as well. Rage 2 is all the way down to $20. The Surge 2 is discounted to $30. The Crew 2 is $15. The Room 3 is (appropriately) $3. Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments is under $5. Hitman 2 with all the DLC included is $25. And if you’re into hardware, the Steam Controller is just $5.
Labels: PCWorld
Black Friday offers some of the best deals on laptops, notebook PCs, and Chromebooks of any time during the year—and the great deals aren’t confined to just the day after Thanksgiving. We’ve rounded up the best deals on portable PCs that we know of so far, and we’ll add to this list as the week progresses.
(Note that there may be decent deals on new models, but it’s the laptops that are slightly older that often receive the sharpest discounts. In part, that’s because laptop vendors have just introduced their latest gear, and may be clearing the decks.)
Labels: PCWorld
And the U.S. version is now integrated with the Sonos multi-room audio system.
Labels: PCWorld
Monday, November 26, 2019 was a momentous day. On it, AMD’s benchmark-shattering, floor-wiping, mic-dropping 32-core Threadripper 3970X reviews launched alongside Intel’s most potent consumer chip, the 18-core Core i9-10980XE. The wild performance difference between the two respective champions drove home a truth that’s been slowly building and is suddenly here: For the first time since Intel’s Core architecture ended the Athlon 64’s dominance nearly 15 long years ago, after an AMD Bulldozer era seemingly endless with disappointment, AMD’s Ryzen processors are firmly in control on the desktop.
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Here's everything that's different (and the same) among Apple's new phones, the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max.
Labels: PCWorld
Eliminating your login password from your PC is a bad idea—unless you own a computer that no one but you will ever touch. In that case, why not remove your password and eliminate that initial step?
In the past, we’ve discussed getting rid of the Windows 10 password by tinkering with Windows’ power settings. There’s a better way to remove the password entirely, however, so that you’ll never need to enter it. We’ve tested this with Windows 10 Pro and Windows 10 Home, and it’s worked using the Windows 10 October 2018 Update, the Windows 10 May 2019 Update, and the Windows 10 November 2019 Update, as well. (There’s no reason to believe it won’t work on subsequent updates, either.)
Labels: PCWorld
If you’ve got a new Apple Watch, there are a few things you’re going to want to do right away.
Labels: PCWorld
Nvidia’s $160 GeForce GTX 1650 Super had a super bizarre launch.
Its still-available predecessor, the $150 GTX 1650, skipped the vastly improved Turing NVENC video encoder and got pummeled in performance by AMD’s Radeon RX 570, a much cheaper GPU, all to let the card fit into the motherboards with no extra power cabling required. With AMD’s next-gen Radeon RX 5500 series looming, Nvidia revealed the drastically turbocharged GTX 1650 Super—but then failed to inform press of pricing or provide drivers for launch day reviews. Those are both extremely unusual moves, ones mirrored in recent history only by Nvidia’s attempt to bury reviews of the original lackluster GTX 1650. Because of that, we went so far as to recommend avoiding the new card until reviews surfaced.
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The Hisense H9F, with first-rate color and HDR, is one of the best TVs in its class. However, detail acuity and blacks aren't as strong.
Labels: PCWorld
Oculus Link is both mundane and magical. Mundane, because all you’re doing is plugging a USB-C cable into your Oculus Quest headset. Magical, because doing so now temporarily transforms the standalone Quest into a powerful PC-based system. “Your Quest is basically a Rift now too,” said Mark Zuckerberg at Oculus Connect 6—and he wasn’t lying. It’s rough around the edges, but Quest is virtual reality’s future, a best of both worlds miracle.
Labels: PCWorld
Adding the Netatmo Smart Siren and Netatmo Smart Door and Window Sensors to a Netatmo Indoor Camera yields a somewhat simple home security system.
Labels: PCWorld
Mi नोट 10 के रियर में 108 मेगापिक्सल का प्राइमरी सेंसर, 20 मेगापिक्सल का अल्ट्रा वाइड एंगल कैमरा, 12 मेगापिक्सल वाला टेलीफोटो कैमरा दिया गया है.
चार कैमरे वाले रेडमी नोट 8 फोन की खरीद पर ऑफर्स भी दिए जा रहे हैं. आइए जानते हैं ऑफर्स और इसके फीचर्स के पूरी डिटेल...
Apple has teased a "four-day shopping event" beginning Black Friday, but don't count on any great deals.
Labels: PCWorld
AMD is on a rampage. Its 32-core Ryzen Threadripper 3970X is the monster rising out of the sea to level Intel’s prosumer chips. This is just weeks after the company’s 16-core Ryzen 9 3950X cleaned the clock of Intel’s top consumer chips.
Note that “prosumer” means Threadripper is designed primarily for graphics-intensive design and content creation tasks, rather than gaming. (You could play games with this chip, but it's massive overkill.) AMD has an opportunity in this space, because the Xeon CPUs Intel makes for the same market are far more expensive. And this is just the beginning of AMD’s attack on the high end: On Monday morning, AMD confirmed that it will make a 64-core chip as well.
Labels: PCWorld
Intel’s departure from the 5G smartphone market earlier this year left it with a portfolio of modem technology it needed to do something with. On Monday, it did: Intel announced a manufacturing relationship with Mediatek, which will build a 5G modem for PCs based on a specification Intel will author.
Specifically, Intel will define a “full 5G solution specification,” which includes a 5G modem to be developed and manufactured by Mediatek. Intel representatives didn’t confirm whether the relationship includes an actual IP licensing agreement. The first fruits from the partnership will be more than a year out, however, with products due in early 2021.
Labels: PCWorld
In October, AMD launched the Epyc 7H12, a 64-core behemoth designed to take down Intel’s Xeon in the server market. Now AMD has confirmed plans for an epyc...er, epic smackdown of Intel in the desktop PC with the 64-core Threadripper 3990X.
No, AMD’s 64-core Threadripper 3990X isn’t quite here—and boy, Intel should thank its lucky stars for that. After AMD’s 16-core Ryzen 9 3950X danced on Intel’s head by topping the Intel Core i9-9900KS in both single-core and multithreaded performance, the 32-core Threadripper 3970X just added insult to injury. And with the 64-core Threadripper 3990X on the horizon...wow. Wow. Hulk SMASH.
Labels: PCWorld
The two top smart displays from Amazon and Google go head-to-head.
Labels: PCWorld
Far better than ordinary power strips, these products will protect your expensive electronics from dangerous power spikes. We'll help you pick the right one for your home or small office.
Labels: PCWorld
You can buy a great surge protector for less than $50, so what makes this one worth $200?
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Mi के ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर Mi Super Sale चल रही है, जिसका आखिरी दिन आज (25 नवंबर) है. यहां से सस्ते में फोन खरीदा जा सकता है...
Intel’s new 18-core Core i9-10980XE isn’t reaching for the stars. It’s reaching for the middle. Squeezed by AMD’s consumer 16-core Ryzen 9 3950X on one end, and the 32-core Ryzen Threadripper 3970X on the other, it can’t win on raw performance. But with Intel’s aggressive pricing at $1,000, it actually competes well on bang for buck, a tempting deal for the content creators who are the prime market for this chip.
The Core i9-10980XE takes Intel pricing in a new direction—down. While the two previous 18-core CPUs were released at $1,999, Intel will be shipping this new generation at $1,000.
Labels: PCWorld